Google advertising only 2 dollars a day advertising cost what level, three websites are Chinese station The unit price is outrageously low The average day is two knives and three knives Sometimes it is less than one knife, is it that I didn't add individual 是不是因为我没添加各国隐私条款 发出去之前让gpt帮你改一下吧.. 钱太少了,可以放弃了 不低了 牢底 如果不需要投入什么精力去维护内容的话已经很不错了 这么高的收入,想都不敢想。 这么高的收入,我也只能想了。 蚊子再小也是肉 2刀已经超过很多负收入的MJJ了 多少IP能有一天2刀的广告费? 富哥